Samuel Belleville-Douelle
Samuel Belleville-Douelle

Let's talk art history! By exploring artistic movements, themes and issues, I'll give you the keys to a better understanding of the works.

Since childhood, I've been fascinated by man's ability to represent, in whatever way, the world around him, but also his invisible world, concepts and ideas.

I soon began to wonder about the ontology of art: why did man decide to express himself in this way? What triggered this need? Why and for whom did he start using figures, symbols and representations?

After a degree in art history and Masters in “Economics of Contemporary Art” and “Management of Cultural Enterprises”, I decided to share my passion on a blog and help others to better understand art history, notably by writing self-published digital books.

Medium member since April 2024
Friend of Medium since June 2024
Editor of Art e-stories
Samuel Belleville-Douelle

Samuel Belleville-Douelle

Book Author

Friend of Medium

With a passion for art, I take the time to observe the world and marvel at nature. Empathic, I value genuine human encounters.